This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Sara Tavares

Time of writing was Lecturer Simulation and Immersive Technologies/Adult Nursing, University of West London

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Nursing students' experiences of flipped classroom teaching method in higher education: a systematic review

The review sought to answer the question: What are pre- and post-registration nurses' experiences with the flipped classroom method in higher education institutions? It sought to identify which...

Cardiac amyloidosis at a glance

Amyloidosis occurs when amyloid fibrils, which are aggregates of low molecular weight proteins, become insoluble and resistant to degradation. They then deposit in organs and connective tissues...

Non-invasive and contemporaneous cardiac imaging in heart failure

Heart failure is a complex multifactorial syndrome with various possible underlying causes. Most patients will initially present to primary care with signs and symptoms of heart failure, such as...

The renal system and associated disorders

The renal system plays an important role in homeostasis and its function is to filter approximately 200 litres of fluid each day and allow excretion of toxins and metabolic waste while keeping...

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