The reported incidence of sharps injuries involving nursing students worldwide is wide ranging. A study by Cheung et al (2012) reported an incidence rate of 5.9% (n=52), while Trivedi et al (2013)...
To explore nursing staff and healthcare support worker views regarding the upcoming implementation of an electronic documentation and reporting system for an EWS in a tertiary referral inner city...
This is sometimes called a prolapsed womb or prolapsed vagina. It is when the vaginal walls, vaginal vault, uterus or any combination of these prolapse and move down the vagina. It can also affect the...
Urology consultants, cancer managers and I met with the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to identify ways in which we could work towards achieving the best practice pathway. Referrals were being...
The authors undertook a retrospective review of clinical records and the IBD database from January 2019 to September 2020 at the Evelina London Children's Hospital, a tertiary paediatric...
Healthcare organisations use clinical audits to measure their current clinical performance against an explicit set of established criteria. Clinical audits are recommended in certain chronic...
A combination of medical conditions left Paul Carter (not his real name), who is in his mid-fifties, chair/bed bound. He lives in his own home, supported by a full package of carers. Due to a poor gag...
Bladder and/or bowel dysfunction in MS can occur at the onset of the disease or any time during its course. It can impact either the bladder or bowel directly, through plaques damaging the areas of...
The authors started by asking the participants a few general questions around their wellbeing and anxieties (Table 2). The feeling of support from the general public was strong, with 74% of...
The main aim was to evaluate the service delivery of the bereavement care that is provided in a 20-bed general ICU. In addition, the study aimed to explore the experience of bereavement care currently...
In 2018, the Cochrane database of systematic reviews analysed 22 studies with this sole objective: ‘to determine the diagnostic accuracy of teledermatology for the detection of any skin cancer in...
GCA is associated with several potentially insidious symptoms; however, none of them are specific enough (pathognomonic) to the disease to be definitively diagnostic. Typically, patients will present...
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