This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Advanced Practice

An exploratory study into the teaching of clinical examination skills in advanced practice

‘Most errors in the physical examination … [which lead to adverse outcomes] … are related to not performing an examination.’ .

From expert to advanced clinical practitioner and beyond

‘Health professionals working at the level of advanced clinical practice will exercise autonomy and decision making in a context of complexity, uncertainty and varying risk, holding accountability...

North Tyneside initiative to introduce a new nursing role in care homes

In North Tyneside, the recruitment and retention of nurses in care homes is challenging, with staff frequently moving between care providers. There is also a lack of career structure for nurses...

Introducing an ANP-led temporal artery biopsy service for patients with suspected giant cell arteritis

GCA is associated with several potentially insidious symptoms; however, none of them are specific enough (pathognomonic) to the disease to be definitively diagnostic. Typically, patients will present...

Advanced practice: critical thinking and clinical reasoning

As detailed in the table, multiple themes surrounding the cognitive and meta-cognitive processes that underpin clinical reasoning have been identified. Central to these processes is the practice of...

Evaluation of the safety of inter-hospital transfers of critically ill patients led by advanced critical care practitioners

An ACCP-led transfer service has replaced an ad hoc process of transfer, with one of a consistent team combined with a process of training, governance and continual review. Data collection has allowed...

Clinical supervision for advanced practitioners

Clinical supervision is clearly an important factor in the development of ACPs. With the advent of the HEE (2020) workplace supervision document, it can only be hoped that its necessity and importance...

The management of urinary tract infections in older patients within an urgent care out-of-hours setting

UTI is defined as an infection of the urinary system, involving lower tract, upper tract or both (NICE, 2020a). The pathogens responsible for UTI include Escherichia coli (E. coli), which accounts for...

Critiquing a published healthcare research paper

For those embarking on a higher degree such as a master's, taught doctorate, or a doctor of philosophy, the relationship between research, knowledge production and knowledge utilisation becomes clear...

Leadership and management for nurses working at an advanced level

‘Advanced clinical practice is delivered by experienced, registered health and care practitioners. It is a level of practice characterised by a high degree of autonomy and complex decision making....

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