This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Debbie Roberts

Professor and Head of Health and Social Care Group, University Centre Shrewsbury

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Time to consider social care nursing as the fifth field of practice

‘… additional emotional intelligence and the use of ‘soft skills’ such as diplomacy, sensitivity and a heightened awareness that the Care Home is the individual's home. The Registered Nurse will...

Competency versus proficiency: trying to develop an understanding of these terms in the context of practice learning

The professional governing body for nursing in the UK, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), has long produced educational standards to support the preparation of those wishing to become registered...

Learning the rules of the game: how health and social care students learn to learn

‘Including both the explicit and the tacit … what is said and what is left unsaid, what is represented and what is assumed, subtle cues, untold rules of thumb; most of which may never be articulated,...

Has the pandemic response entrenched a pathogenic emphasis in education?

Antonovsky (1996: 171) cautioned that promoting a salutogenic orientation is challenging as ‘pathogenesis is too deeply entrenched in our thinking …’..

How many practice hours are required to become a registered nurse?

Recent NMC registrant figures demonstrate that nurses working in the UK come from all over the world, despite variances in compulsory practice hours. Table 1 illustrates this and demonstrates that...

The future of nurse education: imagining the art of the possible

‘6.12 understand the role of registered nurses and other health and care professionals at different levels of experience and seniority when managing and prioritising actions and care in the event of...

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