This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Joy Notter

Professor of Community Health Care Studies, Birmingham City University

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Sepsis without borders

Over the past two decades, sepsis recognition and treatment has radically evolved and it is no longer regarded as a condition only seen in the intensive care unit (Kempker et al, 2018). Instead, it is...

Virtual mentorship: the opportunities and limitations for nurses in international health partnerships

Birmingham City University's health partnership with emergency, trauma and critical care nurses in Zambia is no exception and we have had several successful virtual volunteering projects. We have...

Capacity strengthening for clinical nutrition in Zambia: a roadmap for success in tackling undernutrition

For individuals and families in low-income countries (LIC) this is further compounded by chronic poverty and food insecurity (Siddiqui et al, 2020). As the World Food Programme (2024) has pointed out,...

Family-witnessed resuscitation in the emergency department in a low-income country

Pre-hospital and emergency service provision in many LICs and lower middle-income countries (LMICs) are under-developed, with services covering huge geographical areas and dealing with high volumes of...

The challenge of rehabilitation following critical illness in low-income countries

In LICs, with relatively young populations and many patients admitted to critical care due to trauma, limited rehabilitation is a major cause for concern, resulting in complications, prolonged...

Nurses' wound care competency in a sample of hospitals in Northern Vietnam

In all, 518 participants completed the study, the general characteristics of subjects are presented in Table 2. The majority of participants were young, average age was 32.25±7.31; with women...

International capacity building via the ‘new norm’ of virtual teaching and volunteering

The use of a blended learning approach, which includes mentoring, role modelling and ‘on-the-job’ training, has enabled us to build capacity in emergency, trauma and critical care nursing in Zambia,...

Handing on the baton: developing early career nurse leaders

‘The partnership is committed to developing the fellows and has recruited NHS nurses working in the fellows' areas of practice who are providing virtual mentorship’ .

Service evaluation of a COVID-19 critical care orientation programme

Critical care areas faced particular challenges during the pandemic (Anandaciva, 2020). In the early stages of the pandemic, recognising the need to increase the nursing workforce, many hospitals...

Psychological issues affecting patients living with a stoma

More than two decades ago Bekkers et al's (1995) seminal study of patients' ability to cope with, and their expectations of life after, stoma surgery, included self-efficacy, task performance and...

The development of critical care nursing education in Zambia

The purpose of this activity was for key stakeholders to review and validate the current Advanced Diploma in Critical Care Nursing and to prepare a framework for a bachelor degree-level critical care...

‘I'll never be the same’: the impact of an international elective

Undertaking an international elective has been identified as having a long-lasting effect far beyond the period of the actual stay overseas and has been widely acknowledged as having a positive impact...

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