‘Incivility has been shown to reduce team functioning, clinical decision making and patient outcomes’.
Cancer nurses are working with their multidisciplinary colleagues to lead the way to ensure that all staff who interact with people with cancer have acute oncology (AO) knowledge and skills. Together...
‘Despite the challenges of implementation, such as cost, training and maintenance, the benefits of closed systems are clear and they should be used in the whole lifecycle of HMPs from manufacture to...
Concerns about the dangers of SACT began to emerge in the 1970s when second malignancies were first reported in cancer patients treated with alkylating agents, explained Dr Melissa McDiarmid,...
An iterative service improvement method was used to undertake the triage service design. Distinct phases of the process were identified to facilitate testing of ideas at each stage (Table 1)..
In the UK there are around 16 million people with a disability (Kirk-Wade, 2023). In England, in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, 60% of COVID-19-related deaths occurred among disabled...
Podcasts offer an additional means of enhancing mental health literacy in regions with limited access to services (Caoilte et al, 2023). Podcasts are being increasingly used in mental health contexts...
Infections that patients acquire while receiving treatment for other conditions within a healthcare environment are known as HAIs. They can result from various pathogens, including bacteria, viruses...
Student nurses in parts 1 and 2 of pre-registration nursing programmes were invited to participate in two VR scenarios, comprising different AI interaction methods (menu-based and voice-controlled)....
A practice learning facilitator is a health professional who plays a key role in supporting and facilitating the learning and development of student nurses and other healthcare students during their...
This investigation aimed to demonstrate that bladder-emptying performance is improved when an MHZC is used rather than CEC. Endpoints related to the risk of flow-stops, namely RV1, the number of...
The Patient Safety Commissioner (PSC) recently published a consultation paper on draft principles of better patient safety (PSC, 2024a). The principles will act as a guide, the PSC states, for senior...
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