This website is intended for healthcare professionals

A professional and legal duty to keep up to date

It will be impossible for any nurse or doctor to analyse everything that is relevant to their clinical practice area. They do, however, owe patients a legal duty of care and part of this will be the...

Placements: opportunities to learn

I will take my memories of all the children and families I have worked with and cared for with me into my future career as every single one has taught me something different. I have always gained...

Practice learning is key to our future

In my role at the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) I have frequently shared with colleagues my view that there is an opportunity for improved senior leadership of practice learning for student...

Key issues in an election year

Wound Care Alliance UK (WCAUK) is undertaking a scoping exercise regarding pressure ulcers in response to questions from WCAUK members. The questionnaire has been developed with master's students at...

Is there a perceived tribal culture within the nursing profession?

To address the NHS provider service, the nursing profession is expected to cope with additional demands due to the change in demographics, an ageing society, and the prevalence of long-term disorders...

Using a prognostic medical device for early identification of pressure ulcers: protocol for study design

Designing a randomised trial to ascertain whether a medical device reduces the incidence of PUs through earlier adoption of preventive measures is challenging. This is largely because there is...

Skin integrity preservation using a nurse-constructed silicone adhesive Foley catheter

The prevalence of indwelling urinary catheters in critical care units is considerably higher than the overall reported hospital-wide rates (Gray, 2010). Patients in the ICU frequently need catheters...

A clinical observational case series evaluation of a superabsorbent dressing on exudating wounds

In clinical settings, in the experience of this author and others (World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS), 2019), exudate is often referred to as ‘wound fluid’ or ‘wound drainage’. More...

The QNI: fostering excellence

The Queen's Nursing Institute (QNI), established in 1887 during Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee, was originally named in her honour. Since its inception it has had a royal patron, although not always...

Virtual placements in nursing education

Virtual placements are virtual clinical placements that use simulation technology to provide nursing students with practical experience in a safe and controlled environment. Students interact with...

Public toilets and their potential impact on an individual's health

In Western societies, it is embedded in the culture that elimination of bodily waste is a private matter that should be done in a secretive manner within formal facilities (Mitteness and Barker,...

Comparison of first-year nursing students' GAD-7 scores: a pilot study focusing on Generation Z

This study aimed to assess self-reported anxiety levels in first-year undergraduate nursing students prior to or at the start of their first post-pandemic placement..

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