This website is intended for healthcare professionals

The role of the advanced clinical practitioner in arthroplasty care

Despite being well-established for a number of years there has been very little written about the role of the ACP in arthroplasty care, reflecting a dearth of evidence to support the efficacy of the...

The role of advanced clinical practitioners in clinical research

Historically, the pioneers of the nursing profession were clear about their vision of advancing practice and empowering nurses to practise with autonomy, as they progress through their careers...

Advanced nursing practice: a review of scopes of practice in cancer care

There are five paediatric ANPs working with children and young people (CYP) and two adult ANPs working with teenage and young adults (TYA) at the Trust. The remit of roles includes:.

ACP-supported redeployment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: a service evaluation of staff experience

The primary aim of this retrospective service evaluation is to examine the experiences of registered nurses redeployed to a COVID-negative Nightingale ward during the first wave of the pandemic in the...

The impact of clinical simulation on the development of advanced practice skills

Simulation has been used in medical, nursing and dental education for the past 60 years (DH, 2011). It is defined as:.

Assessing the impact of introducing trainee advanced clinical practitioners onto an acute oncology triage unit

The acute oncology triage unit at The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust sees oncology and haematology patients presenting with various side effects of systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT) and complications...

Button batteries in the ear, nose and throat: a novel survey of knowledge of UK advanced nurse practitioners

To assess existing levels of ENT knowledge among ANPs in the UK, a survey based on multiple-choice questions titled ANP Survey on Button Batteries in ENT was developed by ENT specialists, focusing on...

Surgical care practitioners: an audit across the surgical specialties

Surgical care practitioners (SCPs) are permanent members of the surgical team and therefore maintain service provision and provide continuity of care to the patient (Nicholas, 2010). According to the...

Critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning for advanced clinical practitioners in sexual health

As highlighted in the previous article (McPhillips and Wood, 2022) consent is critical when pursuing any sexual health examination and/or investigation. It may be given either orally, in writing or...

Consultation and clinical assessment for advanced clinical practitioners in sexual health

History taking and examination should always be undertaken with the patient's comfort in mind. While all consultation episodes should be undertaken in a sensitive and professional manner, this is...

A multidisciplinary learning approach: training, preparation and role transition

A cross-section mixed-methods design survey was developed to explore learner experiences of ANP/ACP training and role transition. Evaluation research methodologies and their application were examined...

A multidisciplinary learning approach: a narrative review

The SPIDER (sample, phenomenon of interest, design, evaluation and research type) was used to develop eligibility criteria, develop a search strategy and facilitate rigour in the research (Cooke et...

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