This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Nurses’ antimicrobial infusion practice under the spotlight

Many antibiotics and antifungal medications are best given by IV infusion. Fady and Bennett's report (2023) clearly highlights two main nursing practice concerns. The first is that these antimicrobial...

Is there a perceived tribal culture within the nursing profession?

To address the NHS provider service, the nursing profession is expected to cope with additional demands due to the change in demographics, an ageing society, and the prevalence of long-term disorders...

Achieving nursing competency: pragmatic considerations

‘There is a lack of evidence to guide how often a clinical skill should be practised and whether this varies from skill to skill or nurse to nurse’.

Capacity strengthening for clinical nutrition in Zambia: a roadmap for success in tackling undernutrition

For individuals and families in low-income countries (LIC) this is further compounded by chronic poverty and food insecurity (Siddiqui et al, 2020). As the World Food Programme (2024) has pointed out,...

Current practices using cellular, acelluar and matrix-like products (CAMPs)

The term skin substitutes can be misleading in that these products do not fully replace the integumentum when applied, but most do replicate some properties of normal skin and are thus an important...

Links between arthritis and diet

Qiao et al (2020), noted that type 2 diabetes is characterised by insulin resistance – a hyperinsulinaemic state distinguished by a reduced response to the hormone insulin. Hyperinsulinemia is an...

Empowering the next generation of nurse leaders

The NHS is one of the most complex organisations to manage and lead. As a nurse and a senior manager in the NHS, I recognise the vital role that nurse leaders play in shaping the culture,...

RCN's new definition of nursing reflects changes in health care

Both definitions aim to describe the role and scope of nursing, but highlight different aspects of the profession.

Black History Month 2023: what is it like to be Black and British right now?

The treatment of a young Black female gymnast in Ireland who was ignored because she is Black has been receiving widespread circulation and comment in the media. It is 2023 and it has been described...

Making the invisible visible

In the UK, British Arabs often share similar cultures, language and identity despite being from different Arab countries. Many British Arabs reside in the bigger cities such as London and Birmingham...

Unconscious bias: gynaecological pain, the elephant in the womb!

‘Gynaecology, being predominantly focused on women's reproductive health, was sometimes considered less prestigious or less prioritised than other surgical fields’.

Establishing a guidance toolkit for assessment of proficiencies in students

Nursing students are required to achieve a range of proficiencies and competencies in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2018) standards.

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