This website is intended for healthcare professionals

‘Trying to lead a normal life’: why patients may fail to adhere to leg ulcer treatment

It lasted for 8 dreadful years—three large, severe venous leg ulcers crippling both my legs. After unremitting NHS treatments, my carers brought about healing, and since then I have enjoyed 3 years...

Providing end-of-life care in a Nightingale hospital

Being such a rapidly evolving field, there have been few publications looking into EoLC during the COVID-19 pandemic and there are no publications about patients receiving EoLC in a temporary hospital...

The future of nurse education: imagining the art of the possible

‘6.12 understand the role of registered nurses and other health and care professionals at different levels of experience and seniority when managing and prioritising actions and care in the event of...

Supported self-care: not fending for themselves

‘The term ‘self-care’ is in danger of giving the impression that people are being left to fend for themselves with a few dressings and wraps … supported self-care or shared care are more likely to...

Students during the pandemic: what is the experience of those who opted out?

Although this survey was relatively small, it is an indication of how student nurses are feeling and their experiences of this situation. Universities and the higher education industry have a civic...

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