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Arabi YM, Al-Hameed F, Burns KEA, Mehta S Adjunctive intermittent pneumatic compression for venous thromboprophylaxis. N Engl J Med. 2019; 380:(14)1305-1315

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Shalhoub J, Lawton R, Hudson J, Baker C Graduated compression stockings as adjuvant to pharmacothromboprophylaxis in elective surgical patients (GAPS study): randomised controlled trial. BMJ. 2020; 369

Theatre Safety Club 2024

13 January 2025
Volume 34 · Issue 1


The Theatre Safety Club 2024 took place on 6 November in London and on 26 November in Newcastle. The CPDcertified event aimed to educate and provide insight into safety in the operating theatre, boasting an impressive line-up of speakers and sessions that were well attended. The conference was sponsored by Cardinal Health, a leading healthcare company providing value-based product solutions, with a comprehensive portfolio covering mechanical thromboprophylaxis, nutritional insufficiency solutions, thermometry and surgical gloves.

Romaine Mitchell, Nurse/Midwife, Sussex and Hampshire

The widespread use of gloves started in the 1980s, to help protect staff from blood-borne viruses, such as hepatitis C and B and HIV (Blizzard et al, 2017). These gloves are made of natural rubber latex, which is produced from the milk white fluid drawn from the bark of the Hevea brasiliensis tree. While the main content is natural, the manufacturing process introduces chemical additives, which has led to many occupational risks for healthcare staff.

Irritant contact dermatitis arises because of handwashing, scrubbing, inadequate rinsing, prolonged glove use, sweating and restrictive impact of gloves. However, this condition is avoidable and can be prevented with the use of latex free gloves (synthetic alternatives), such as Protexis® gloves (Cardinal Health), which 79% of the company's customers said led to significant cost savings and improved safety.

Latex gloves can lead to different allergic reactions (NHS Plus et al, 2008). Type 1 allergy is known as immediate hypersensitivity that could lead to potential anaphylaxis. Symptoms include local or generalised rash (urticaria), conjunctivitis and rhinitis. It could also lead to asthma or difficulty breathing (Health and Safety Executive, 2024). Another type of allergy is the Type IV allergy, which is referred to as delayed type hypersensitivity. This is the most common latex allergy and can result in redness and an itchy and scaly rash localised to the hands and arms.

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