This website is intended for healthcare professionals


A clinical review of antidepressants, their sexual side-effects, post-SSRI sexual dysfunction, and serotonin syndrome

Antidepressant medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), come with a risk of causing sexual side-effects. The British National Formulary (BNF) (Joint Formulary Committee,...

The approaches and motivations to learning of student nurses: a phenomenological study

It was important to first examine the literature around how students learn within the higher education context, and the approaches to learning that students may take. A ‘surface learning’ (or...

Considering skin-to-muscle depth for successful intramuscular injections in an increasingly obese population

An IM injection is the administration of medication through the dermis, cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue layers, into a skeletal muscle. IM injections are used where there is a risk that the medicine...

Developing online simulated practice placements: a case study

‘An educational method which uses a variety of modalities to support students in developing their knowledge, behaviours and skills, with the opportunity for repetition, feedback, evaluation and...

Anaesthetic nurse specialist role in perioperative anaesthetic management of patients who are morbidly obese

This integrative review aimed to highlight the importance of the role of anaesthetic nurse specialists (ANS) in recognition that patients who are morbidly obese present different challenges and have...

An exploration of the reach of the #MakeSpace4Research hashtag

The integration of social media into modern society is a contemporary worldwide phenomenon, which has the potential to allow for rapid and global connectivity (Gibbs et al, 2015; Brady et al, 2017)....

A specialist service evaluation: a cross-sectional survey approach

Service evaluations (SEs) adopt rigorous, scientific methods to collect data about the effectiveness of services in a systematic way (Bowling, 2014a). They seek to understand the value and worth of a...

Gender differences in acute care treatments for cardiovascular diseases

A narrative review methodology was used following the standards of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Statement (Page et al, 2021). A search of two...

Consent in surgery

Seeking informed consent prior to examination or treatment is a fundamental legal and ethical requirement within duty of care, regardless of a health professional's governing body or experience...

Patient falls while under supervision: trends from incident reporting

Within a large hospital trust in the UK, the number of falls within one particular division were studied to determine the number of falls reported while patients were under ‘one-to-one’ (1:1) or...

Improving nurses' blood transfusion knowledge and skills

Education and training are essential in blood transfusion to reduce the risk of adverse events (Jimenez-Marco et al, 2012). Improving knowledge and understanding and addressing the issue of patient...

Death, dying and caring: exploring the student nurse experience of palliative and end-of-life education

Metasynthesis is a systematic and comprehensive scientific inquiry that takes and integrates all the findings across a set of reports, resulting in a complete description of the experience under...

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