The pandemic led to substantial changes in the delivery of nursing education and clinical placements for nursing students (Rosa et al, 2020). Numerous educational institutions transitioned to online...
Three major themes were identified from the data: training related to the SSSA, organisational support, and expectations from students, practice assessors, and practice supervisors.
One of the issues expressed in service evaluations for mental health nursing students is that they perceive proficiencies to be easier to achieve for their peers on the adult nursing programme. Mental...
The aims of this study were to examine the reasons why pre-registration student nurses interrupt their studies and consider ways to enable them to return and succeed in completing the course..
This study aimed to assess self-reported anxiety levels in first-year undergraduate nursing students prior to or at the start of their first post-pandemic placement..
The main aim of this study was to elicit practice tutors' views on their readiness to support OU nursing students who require reasonable adjustments while on clinical placement. This research also...
‘An educational method which uses a variety of modalities to support students in developing their knowledge, behaviours and skills, with the opportunity for repetition, feedback, evaluation and...
The project is a collaboration between a pre-registration nursing student and academic staff at Liverpool John Moores University, who make up the project team. The aim has been to, first, undertake a...
Vaccine hesitancy has been a global concern for several decades, and the situation is more difficult with COVID-19 immunisation, owing to the infodemic and confirmation bias around the disease (Dror...
A cross-sectional design was used to assess the level of knowledge regarding nosocomial infection among student nurses in Oman. The data were collected between March and June 2020. This design was...
The ‘advanced standing programme’ (ASP), the ‘accelerated track programme’ and the ‘2-year second-degree nursing programme’ are different terms used interchangeably in North America to describe a...
Note-taking is an essential component of everyday practice for health professionals. This skill is central to ensuring potentially life-threatening or life-saving patient information is documented...
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