This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Student nurse

Supporting students to return to study following course interruption (SuTuRe)

The aims of this study were to examine the reasons why pre-registration student nurses interrupt their studies and consider ways to enable them to return and succeed in completing the course..

Death, dying and caring: exploring the student nurse experience of palliative and end-of-life education

Metasynthesis is a systematic and comprehensive scientific inquiry that takes and integrates all the findings across a set of reports, resulting in a complete description of the experience under...

Research placements: are they a suitable alternative for student nurses?

Given the issues with clinical placements, higher education institutions, along with their clinical partners, were required to develop innovative ways of ensuring students had the required hours and...

Students' experience of the challenges of using assertive communication

Assertiveness is the ability to express ones' rights, thoughts and feelings without denying the rights of others, creating equality in relationships (Alberti and Emmons, 2017). In health care, it...

Exploring the complexity of student nurse relationships with adolescent patients when placing nasogastric tubes

The practice of NG tube insertion originates from ancient Greece and Egypt, where tubing inserted rectally infused nutrient solutions for the treatment of bowel conditions (Chernoff, 2006; National...

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