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Urinalysis using a test strip

28 March 2019
Volume 28 · Issue 6

Urine production is the process of eliminating waste products and toxic substances to maintain fluid balance in the body (McLafferty et al, 2014). Urinalysis using a reagent test strip (Figure 1) is an inexpensive, simple and non-invasive procedure to assess the health status of an individual by measuring elements found in the urine such as electrolytes, hormones or waste products of metabolism (Yates, 2016).

Figure 1. Urine specimen, test strips and colour comparison chart, sterile gauze.

Urinalysis is often carried out at routine medical examinations or by a midwife during pregnancy. It can be used in combination with other more invasive testing to detect conditions such as diabetes, acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, urinary tract infection, dehydration and pre-eclampsia. It is also regularly used in pre-surgical preparation, or on acute or planned hospital admission. Urine is routinely tested on first contact to form a baseline for future assessment (Royal College of Nursing (RCN), 2016a). Frequency thereafter will depend on the rationale for testing and the person's general health status.

Sample collection

There are various methods of urine collection, including:

  • Random specimen: a randomly collected sample, suitable for the majority of screening purposes
  • Mid-stream urine sample: collected after the first part of the urine flow is voided, cleansing the urethra. The mid-stream is collected in a sterile pot, and the final part of the urine is then voided into the toilet. This is particularly useful for bacterial culture
  • 24-hour urine collection: urine collected over a 24-hour period can be useful for measuring substances such as steroids, white cells and electrolytes and, in some cases, it can be useful in determining urine osmolality (Tortora and Derrickson, 2014)
  • First-morning specimen: the first urine void of the morning (or following 8 hours of semi-recumbent positioning); this can be useful in pregnancy testing, for example
  • Fasting specimen: the second voided sample taken following a specified period of fasting (usually the first after fasting is the first morning specimen), which is used for protein, enzyme and metabolite analysis
  • Catheter specimen of urine: a sample of urine obtained using a sterile syringe from a catheter port (Baille and Busuttil Leaver, 2014); this can be useful for bacteriological examination.
  • For the most reliable results, urinalysis should be performed immediately following voiding. If this is not possible, then it should be carried out within 2 hours (Dougherty and Lister, 2015; Collie et al, 2018).

    Preparation and equipment

    It is vital that the health professional understands the rationale for undertaking the urinalysis, and has the necessary competence to perform the procedure with comprehensive knowledge of the equipment required (Table 1).

    Equipment Rationale
    Gloves and aprons Avoid direct contact with bodily fluids
    Urine test strips Reagent strips to detect elements present
    Sterile container To collect sample and avoid cross contamination
    Sterile gauze To blot the underside of the test strip

    Reagent test strip procedure

    Before the procedure

  • Discuss the procedure with the patient to optimise the quality of the specimen (where possible) (Shepherd, 2017; Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), 2018)
  • Obtain verbal informed consent and document a clear, accurate record of this (NMC, 2018)
  • Ensure that privacy and dignity are maintained (NMC, 2018) in an appropriate environment for the patient to provide a fresh sample of urine in the sterile container provided (NB: urinalysis is not an aseptic procedure)
  • Prepare the appropriate equipment for the procedure (Table 1)
  • Carry out good hand hygiene and apply personal protective equipment (PPE) (RCN, 2016b; 2016c) in accordance with trust policy
  • Decontaminate the clinical surface before testing
  • Check the expiry date of the reagent test strips and ensure that the container is closed securely before use
  • Ensure that you have sight of a clock with a second hand.
  • During the procedure

  • Open the test strip container, remove the test strip, and then replace the cap securely
  • Dip the test strip into the urine, ensuring that all test squares are fully submerged in the urine for the recommended time as specified by the manufacturer (Figure 2)
  • Remove the test strip gently, dispersing excess urine by running the bottom edge of the strip along the rim of the container (Roche Diagnostics, 2010)
  • Place the test strip on a piece of gauze and wait for the time specified by the manufacturer. Please note that some squares on the test strip, for example, leucocytes, require more time than others for an accurate reading. Do not shake or blot the squares of the test strip
  • Hold the test strip horizontally to analyse and compare this against the colour reference grid provided. Ensure that there is no contact between the test strip and the container and that urine does not run between squares, mixing various reagents (Roche Diagnostics, 2010)
  • If the urine is required for further laboratory testing, accurately label the specimen container using the correct patient details. If the urine is not required, dispose of it into a designated sluice or toilet, and place the specimen container along with the urine test strip in a clinical waste bin.
  • Figure 2. The urinalysis procedure: dip, drag, blot (and wait), read

    After the procedure

  • Decontaminate the work area and remove and dispose of PPE, in accordance with local policy
  • Carry out effective hand hygiene to prevent cross-infection (RCN, 2016c)
  • Document all results accurately and discuss the findings with the patient, along with any potential further action that may be required (NMC, 2018)
  • Inform the relevant practitioner of any abnormal results (NMC, 2018).
  • Interpreting results

    The health professional should ensure that they are fully aware of the implications of completing a urinalysis and understand the results. It is important to examine the urine for odour, colour and clarity before undertaking urinalysis with the test strip, as these can provide indications of a patient's health status (Yates, 2016) (Table 2).

    Normal: Freshly voided urine may have a slight but inoffensive smell Some foods can produce an odour in the urine, for example, asparagus
    Observation Potential indication
    Fresh fish–ammonia smell Urinary tract infection
    Pear drop–acetone smell Presence of ketones
    Normal: Pale straw to a deep amber colour, depending on concentration of urine There are several factors that may alter the colour of urine, including various medications and foods (eg beetroot, food colourings, senna-based laxatives, antibiotics)
    Observation Potential indication
    Dark urine Dehydration
    Strong yellow/brown/green Presence of bilirubin
    Green Pseudomonas infection or excretion of cytotoxic drugs
    Red-brown, bright red Blood (haematuria); however, menstruation should be ruled out in females
    Normal: Clear, although urine may also be cloudy and still normal Clarity is usually reported on a scale from clear, to slightly cloudy, cloudy and finally turbid
    Observation Potential Indication
    Cloudy Mucus, sperm, prostatic fluid, skin cells, white or red blood cells, pus or bacteria
    Frothy Presence of protein

    Source: Yates, 2016; Mayo Clinic, 2017; Lab Tests Online, 2018

    Interpreting the results requires an understanding of the clinical implications of the individual reagent squares. Urinalysis using a reagent strip can be subjective given that, on occasion, some squares may present with a colour between the negative and the lowest positive and individual interpretation of this may be distinctively different (Newson, 2016).


    The test strips detect leucocyte esterase, an enzyme produced by white blood cells. In the context of urine testing, these are usually neutrophils, and their presence may be a sign of pyuria associated with a urinary tract infection (UTI), although sometimes it may indicate a more severe renal problem (Bardsley, 2015).


    These are not typically present in urine, and they can be associated with the presence of bacteria that can convert nitrate into nitrite, suggesting a potential UTI. However, the absence of nitrites does not always rule out a UTI, as there is the potential for a false negative result (Devillé et al, 2004).

    Bilirubin and urobilinogen

    Bilirubin is not normally present in urine. It is produced when red blood cells are broken down by the liver, and is a component of bile. Therefore, the presence of bilirubin in urine can indicate liver damage. In the gut, bilirubin is broken down to urobilinogen, some of which goes back into the bloodstream and is excreted in urine. Higher than normal levels of urobilinogen may suggest liver disease and lower than normal levels may indicate gallstones (RCN, 2016a).


    Urine does not routinely contain a level of protein detectable on a urine reagent strip (in a healthy individual). Damage to the glomerular filtration barrier in the kidneys leads to proteinuria, and this may be caused by kidney damage, hypertension, diabetes or pre-eclampsia in pregnancy (Mulryan, 2011).


    All urine will give a pH reading on analysis, and it is usually slightly acidic. A range of 4.5–8.0 is considered normal (RCN, 2016a). Extremes of acidity may indicate formation of urinary stones, while alkaline urine may indicate a urinary tract infection with certain types of bacteria, such as Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella or Pseudomonas (Higgins, 2007). However, diet and medication can also alter pH.

    Blood (haemoglobin)

    Blood in the urine (haematuria) at a level that can be detected by reagent strips would be an abnormal finding (Yates, 2016; Lab Tests Online, 2018). It may indicate the presence of kidney disease, kidney stones, tumours, infections or trauma to the urinary tract (RCN, 2016a). It is important to remember that it may also be a consequence of cross-contamination, for example, vaginal bleeding during menstruation.

    Specific gravity

    This identifies how dilute or concentrated the urine is (Lab Tests Online, 2018). Someone who is well-hydrated will have dilute urine, with a lower specific gravity, whereas dehydration will produce a concentrated urine, with a higher specific gravity.


    Not normally present in the urine, these form during the abnormal breakdown of fat instead of glucose for energy (NHS website, 2016). This can be caused by prolonged vomiting, such as in pregnant women with hyperemesis gravidarum, or fasting and starvation (NHS website, 2016; Yates, 2016). However, ketones can also be detected during dieting, episodes of diarrhoea, or as a sign of raised blood glucose, such as in poorly controlled diabetes, which can result in diabetic ketoacidosis (increased acidity of the blood) (RCN, 2016a; Yates, 2016).


    This may be detected in pregnancy as a consequence of a reduced renal threshold and increased renal blood flow (Newson, 2016). Glycosuria is not normal and can be indicative of an endocrine abnormality, such as diabetes, gestational diabetes or steroid-induced diabetes (Great Ormond Street Hospital, 2015); however, urinalysis alone will not be diagnostic.


    Urinalysis is a common practice and as such, health professionals must have the necessary skills to competently collect the specimen and carry out the procedure while limiting the risk of contamination by using the test strips accurately. They must possess the skills to interpret findings in combination with the presentation and clinical history of the patient, remembering that further testing may be required to provide a more definitive diagnosis.


  • Understand the concept of urinalysis
  • Recognise when it is performed in clinical practice
  • Improve awareness of various types of specimen collection
  • Understand the correct procedure for undertaking urinalysis
  • Acknowledge the interpretation and significance of results