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eHealth systems for the optimised care of patients with type 2 diabetes

12 March 2020
Volume 29 · Issue 5



Type 2 diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases worldwide. The demands on health services are rising as more people are diagnosed with the condition. In order to meet this demand, eHealth systems are increasingly being integrated into nursing care.


Between November 2018 and February 2019, a literature search was carried out in the databases PubMed and CINAHL.


Twenty articles were found on nurses' use of eHealth systems, the majority with patients with diabetes. From this research, it would seem that eHealth systems have had a proven positive influence on patients' state of health and understanding of therapy. Subjectively perceived communication with the nursing staff also improved. Problems can arise in the implementation phase.


In the future, increasingly, nurses will have to integrate eHealth systems into the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes. It is important that nurses understand such systems in order to guarantee a sustainable and successful implementation.

Healthcare systems are increasingly moving in the direction of patient-centeredness, meaning that, in recent decades, patients are have been participating in decisions concerning their own treatment (Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, 2015). As a result of this development, patients are becoming more empowered, making the old, paternalistic models obsolete in favour of the appropriate integration of patients as equal partners in their health care. In this era of equality between patients and nurses, eHealth systems offer the potential to support the health care of individuals (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, 2019).

The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined eHealth as:

‘The use of information and communications technology in support of health and health-related fields.’

eHealth systems can be understood as a collective term for all electronic applications that make healthcare services more efficient. Among other things, this implies communication transfer and the exchange of information, interdisciplinary networking (Matusiewicz et al, 2018), nursing documentation and patient management, as well as performance records of all employees (Bürki Sabbioni et al, 2010). The rationale for using eHealth systems is the ever-increasing use of modern electronic recording methods, technological advances, and greater demand for monitoring and adequate patient involvement in their own treatment by government agencies, professionals, and investors in private healthcare companies (Jensen et al, 2015).

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