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Compression therapy for chronic oedema and venous leg ulcers: AndoFlex TLC Calamine

27 June 2019
Volume 28 · Issue 12


The prevalence of venous leg ulcers and chronic oedema is increasing because of the rise in the older population who have comorbidities. Managing and living with these conditions is extremely costly in resource and human terms and there is often a cyclical process of ulceration, healing and recurrence, resulting in significant physical and psychosocial morbidity. Identifying those at risk and advising on lifestyle changes to prevent progression of these conditions will help in avoiding high wound management and compression costs, nursing input and associated patient morbidity. Compression bandaging is the linchpin in managing these conditions and it must be started as early as possible. However, many patients find it difficult to tolerate bandaging because of issues such as pain, the inability to wear shoes and itch. Therefore, if compliance is to be achieved, it is important to select a compression bandaging system that addresses the issues that patients have difficulty with. AndoFlex TLC Calamine is a compression bandaging system that deals with many of these problems, and is easy to apply and remove. Testimonials by practitioners treating patients with chronic oedema, ulceration and/or skin problems will demonstrate the benefits and effectiveness of AndoFlex TLC Calamine.

A venous leg ulcer (VLU) is an open lesion usually on the medial side of the leg between the knee and ankle joint that occurs in the presence of chronic venous disease and takes more than 2 weeks to heal (Harding et al, 2015; National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 2017). Various time periods are used to define ‘chronic’ but, because of the need to expedite accurate diagnosis and appropriate interventions, NICE (2017) advocates the 2-week definition.

Ulceration is caused by sustained venous hypertension as the result of chronic venous insufficiency and/or an impaired calf muscle pump, and often presents with associated chronic fibrotic and inflammatory skin changes, and chronic oedema (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN), 2010; Agale, 2013). The ulcer may be the result of mild trauma to the area and, because of the prolonged reduction in oxygen and nutrients being supplied to the skin, the healing process is delayed (Spiridon and Corduneanu, 2017).

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