Engaging and inspiring the next generation

05 December 2024
Volume 33 · Issue 22

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Prince of Wales Nursing Cadet Scheme, founded in 2019 in partnership with His Majesty King Charles III (then Prince of Wales), represents a strategic initiative to address the declining recruitment levels in the nursing profession.

Originally launched within army cadet groups in Wales, the scheme has demonstrated considerable success and has since expanded into a variety of settings, including schools, colleges and youth organisations throughout all four nations of the UK. The initiative is specifically aimed at young people aged 16 to 25 years who are considering a career in health care, offering the opportunity to gain theoretical knowledge alongside valuable work experience through observational placements.

The overarching objective of the nursing cadet scheme is to inspire and support young people to explore nursing by equipping them with the foundational knowledge and experience required to make informed career decisions.

The scheme consists of 40 hours of theoretical learning alongside 20 hours of observational experience, providing cadets with a comprehensive understanding of the healthcare environment. The theoretical elements of the course are flexible, with delivery formats ranging from an intensive 1-week programme to several weekends or 2 hours per week integrated into the curriculum as an extracurricular subject. The content is delivered primarily by the scheme's youth partners, with RCN nurse advisers contributing up to 20% of the instruction, ensuring expert input on crucial healthcare topics.

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