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Assessment of cancer-related fatigue among Jordanian patients: a cross-sectional survey

23 January 2020
Volume 29 · Issue 2



Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is considered to be one of the most common symptoms reported by cancer patients. However, little information is available regarding the variables associated with CRF among Jordanian patients.


To assess the prevalence of CRF and explore its predictors among Jordanian patients.


A cross-sectional survey design was used.


Of the 240 patients surveyed, 210 (87.5%) had fatigue at the time of the survey. The total mean fatigue score was 6.2 (SD=1.7) out of a maximum possible score of 10. The results also showed that being unemployed, with longer hospitalisation, low haemoglobin, and having lung cancer seem to predict higher levels of CRF.


Several variables and factors associated with CRF were identified. In response to these results, healthcare providers should pay more attention to CRF, which needs to be assessed on a regular basis and to be managed with the available pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions.

Patients diagnosed with cancer may experience various symptoms resulting from the process of the disease and its treatment (Wilkie and Ezenwa, 2012). Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is one of the most common symptoms reported by patients (Barsevick et al, 2013), regardless of the type of cancer (Brown and Kroenke 2009; Barsevick et al, 2013). In general, CRF is perceived by the individual as a lack of energy, reduced physical or mental ability, general weakness, or becoming easily tired (Jones et al, 2016). CRF is one of the most prevalent symptoms of cancer and its treatment, with its prevalence ranging from 50% to 90% (Campos et al, 2011).

One descriptive study was conducted to examine the prevalence and severity of cancer-related symptoms in a sample of 498 patients diagnosed with cancer in Jordan (Al Qadire and Al Khalaileh, 2016). The results indicated that fatigue was the most prevalent symptom among the study participants, reported by 92.5%. (Al Qadire and Al Khalaileh, 2016). Despite the negative consequences of CRF on the patients and their family members, little information is available regarding the demographic, psychosocial and clinical variables associated with CRF among Jordanian patients.

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