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Understanding roles in health care through interprofessional educational experiences

26 March 2020
Volume 29 · Issue 6



Students can find interacting within a healthcare team challenging. It is important for students to understand their role and respect those of other healthcare team members. Interprofessional education (IPE) is a strategy for exploring the roles of self and others within the team.


The purpose of this study was to evaluate nursing students' perceptions of roles and responsibilities following an IPE experience.


Students in an undergraduate baccalaureate degree nursing programme participated in a two-day IPE event with students in the physician's assistant's (PA) programme, pharmacy programme, and physical therapy (PT) programme.


Self-perception and the perception of others were two main themes that emerged. The results suggested that roles and responsibilities are often misunderstood.


Educators must be committed to educating our future healthcare workforce on role expectations and responsibilities within an individual's own profession and that of others. This education should start in the foundation stages of each discipline's educational curricula.

Students often do not have the knowledge, skills or practice to communicate, collaborate, or interact within a healthcare team environment (Shafakhah et al, 2015). A clear definition of an individual's role within the care delivery system, and an understanding and respect of the roles of other healthcare team members is critical and necessary (Buring et al, 2009). Interprofessional education (IPE) within healthcare disciplines is a strategy for exploring the roles of self and others within an interdisciplinary team. While IPE has long been identified as the gold standard for healthcare education, roles and responsibilities within teams remain ambiguous for new graduates (Rosen et al, 2018). The purpose of this study was to evaluate nursing students' perceptions of roles and responsibilities following a planned IPE experience.

IPE is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as bringing together students from two or more healthcare professions to learn about, from, and with each other (WHO, 2010). Incorporation of IPE is imperative in healthcare education (WHO, 2010; Brashers et al, 2012; National League for Nursing (NLN), 2015). The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), the National League for Nursing and the Institute of Medicine promote the use of IPE within healthcare curricula (Gunnell et al, 2016). It is an integral addition to nursing education because it aids in transitioning students from the classroom to the practice setting. Nursing students need to be ready to work in interdisciplinary teams upon graduation (WHO, 2010; Watkins, 2016). The more exposure nursing students have to other health professionals, the more socialised they will become to their roles and responsibilities within the profession and within the interdisciplinary team.

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