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Nursing students' experiences of flipped classroom teaching method in higher education: a systematic review

23 May 2024
Volume 33 · Issue 10



During the COVID-19 pandemic face-to-face activities were suspended, boosting the delivery of online teaching. As students returned to campuses, the delivery of active learning teaching methods followed a blended learning style. The flipped classroom, which is a student-centred approach, appears to be an effective teaching method, generating improved learning outcomes. No systematic review has so far explored students' experiences of this teaching method – a knowledge gap that this review aims to address.


Studies published between 2012 and 2023 were identified from seven databases. The JBI critical appraisal tool was adopted to select high-quality studies and add credibility. Following extraction of qualitative data, meta-aggregation was used to identify synthesised findings.


The findings were aggregated into seven categories. Based on meaning similarity, three synthesised findings were identified to answer the research question on how nursing students experience the flipped classroom method.


Several factors affect the student experience. Although variables are interrelated and complex to analyse, this approach is a valuable teaching method, positively experienced by students with the potential to improve engagement and learning outcomes. The group activities used as a feature of the flipped classroom can be seen as an instrument to deliver a safer and high quality of care.

Historically, teaching has been populated by a traditional teacher-centred approach, where students focus on the knowledge imparted by the lecturer (Tularam and Machisell, 2018). However, due to social distancing measures during the COVID-19 pandemic, traditional face-to-face teaching was replaced with blended learning (Imran et al, 2023), an educational approach that combines traditional face-to-face teaching with online or digital learning methods. Through interviews and questionnaires, the Office for Students (OfS) reviewed blended learning in 2022, concluding that students thrive best when they are active participants in their learning. The OfS (2022) encouraged universities to ensure that students' perceptions are used to inform course design enhancements.

As a student-centred approach teaching method, the flipped classroom has grown in popularity due to its combination of content delivery methods and active learning strategies (Erbil, 2020). It does, however, require students to engage in independent study activities. A mix of remote and in-person tuition leads to enhanced skills development in most areas, including independent learning, critical thinking, personal values and understanding others' perspectives (Dziuban et al, 2018; UK Engagement Survey (UKES), 2021).

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